
October 22, 2014

How to delete undeletable file from your computer

Sometimes you have to face an error when you try to delete a file permanently. It may be a Spyware, Malware, Ad-ware or any Trojan. In some situations, the file is being used by the essential Windows programs such as Windows Explorer, which prevents its deletion. You can avoid these pesky files, and delete them forcibly, by following the simple steps below.

As most computer users already know, you need a good antivirus to help keep your computer safe. Anti-virus programs such as Norton and AVG usually do a good job at getting rid of them. However, sometimes the antivirus cant completely delete the virus. In this tutorial we show you how to delete those undeleable viruses, trojans and malware. In this example, Norton Antivirus came across a trojan called “Backdoor.Trojan” but is unable to fix it producing the message “Unable to repair this file”.

the reason why this trojan couldn’t be deleted is because the file is in use (meaning the trojan is active) and you cannot delete a file that is currently in use by Windows. This is where Killbox shines, it can delete a file while your computer is rebooting so that it gets deleted outside of Windows.

Now Lets see How to delete NON-deletable virus file ?

     > Open Notepad.exe

     >Click File >Save As

     > Locate the undeletable file that you are trying to delete 

     >Choose ‘All files’ from the file type box

     >click once on the file you  wanna delete so its name appears in the ‘filename’ box

     >put  "a ” at the start and end of the filename.
   (the filename should have the extension of the undeletable file so it will overwrite it)

    >Cick SAVE,

       It should ask u to overwrite the existing file, choose YES and you can delete it as normal.

That's it now you are done ! Now delete the file ! It will be deleted !